>b's Homepage

Volker Birk

I can't stand private homepages.

But it's me again - Volker Birk. Just for the congress ;-) OKOK, of course, also for the Camp!

Support p≡p – pretty Easy privacy!

Have a Blog now...

Some of my lectures

... Die neokonservativen Thinktanks in der BRD (Video)

... the one about software engineering you can find here.

... the one about Windows on your desktop PC at home you can find here (sorry, only in German, folks).

... the one about TollCollect of 21C3 you can find here.

... the one about Windows (in)security you can find here (only in German, sorry, folks!). The ADO utilities I mentioned are here.

... the one about attacking the HMI (19C3) you can download here.
... the English version you can find here.

Some work

  1. EJECT for Windows, signature (binary, signature)
  2. pyPEG, a PEG parser as a Python module
  3. YML, Why a Markup Language
  4. my Structural Hermeneutics
  5. the IEC 61131-3 ST to XML compiler
  6. AnyDLL (signature), a Windows CMD.EXE command to call an arbitrary function of an arbitrary DLL
  7. Clipboarder (signature), A little tool to copy texts from and into Windows' clipboard
  8. OPI3 - a portable OPI server in C++ (free software)